All Courses

This is a list of courses offered. Please click course names below to review their full description, course outline, and assignments.

To see courses currently open for registration, please see Courses Open for Registration page.

20th Century World History 12

20th Century World History 12 introduces the student to the history of the twentieth century, beginning with the treaties that ...

2nd Language 7

The Second Languages 7 course allows for students to choose between 3 languages: French, Spanish and Japanese. Through the use ...

Accounting 11

Accounting 11 has no pre-requisite but is a pre-requisite for Accounting 12. In Accounting 11 we will take you through ...

Accounting 12

Accounting 11 is a pre-requisite for Accounting 12, as you are expected to know how to complete the accounting cycle ...

Active Living 11

In this course, students will participate in a variety of activities through the course that they enjoy. Students will demonstrate ...

Active Living 12

The focus of PHE 12 is to allow students to explore physical activities of their choice. Students will have the ...

ADST 9 – Problem Solving Through Design 9

This course teaches students the process of using critical and creative thinking skills when designing to meet specifications. It is ...

American Sign Language 8

In this course, students will be introduced to and will learn basic American Sign Language. They will be encouraged to ...

Anatomy and Physiology 12

Anatomy and Physiology 12 is a course which studies cell structure, function and processes as well as the human body ...

Applied Design Skills and Technologies 7

Students are given the opportunity to develop the skills for design thinking and a maker mindset through the exploration of ...

Art Studio 10 (Visual Arts)

This Visual Arts Studio course is designed to engage students in a dynamic exploration of artistic expression, encouraging them to ...

Arts Education 7

Throughout the study of Arts Education 7, students seek, construct, express, and evaluate knowledge through self-propelled exploration of some or ...

BC First Peoples 12

BC First Peoples 12 looks at how the identities, worldviews, and language of BC First Peoples are renewed, sustained, and ...

Calculus 12

Calculus 12 will give students a basic understanding of calculus which will help those who wish to go into post-secondary ...

Career Education 7

“A person’s career is considered their “journey” through life, and the Career Education curriculum offers students the opportunity to pursue ...

Career Education 8

Careers 8 requires students to complete this course so that other courses can open up on the dashboard. This assessment ...

Career Education 9

Career Education 9 builds on Career Education 8 and builds a strong foundation for BC Planning 10.  Students will develop ...

Career Life Connections 12

CLC is a senior level online course that continues the learning from Career Life Education. It focuses on applying personal ...

Career Life Education 10

Career Life Education (replacing BC Planning 10) is an important and useful course that teaches practical life skills and is ...

Chemistry 11

Chemistry 11 explores the world of science on an atomic level and is designed to build students’ knowledge of core ...

Chemistry 12

Chemistry 12 explores chemical reactions: why and how they happen, and chemical systems in equilibrium. This course builds on students’ ...

Child Development & Caregiving 12

This four credit course provides invaluable information on topics surrounding pregnancy and child birth. It will also provide details on ...

Comparative World Religion 12

Through the ages, religions around the world have shaped the political, social, and cultural aspects of the world. Understanding much ...

Computer Programming 11

Computer Programming 11 is the study of how computers solve problems. You will learn to break down complex problems, construct ...

Creative Writing 12

Note: Although this is a Grade 12 4-credit course and counts toward graduation, students will still need to take either ...

Earth Science 11

Earth Science 11 explores both current issues that our planet is facing as well as processes that have shaped the ...

Economics 12

Economics 12 has no pre-requisite. You will explore content related to the economies of BC, Canada, other countries, and how ...

English 10: Composition and Creative Writing

This course combines the ELA Composition and Creative Writing curriculums to offer students a way to get all four credits ...

English 10: Composition and Focused Literary Studies

This course combines the ELA Composition and Focused Literary Studies curriculums to offer students a way to get all four ...

English 10: Composition and Focused Literary Studies-Science Fiction

This course combines the ELA Composition and Focused Literary Studies curriculums to offer students a way to get all four ...

English 10: Composition and New Media

This course combines the ELA Composition and New Media curriculums to offer students a way to get all four credits ...

English 10: Composition and Spoken Language

This course combines the ELA Composition and Spoken Language curriculums to offer students a way to get all four credits ...

English First Peoples 10

EFP 10 is a combination of Literary Studies and Writing EFP Literary Studies 10 is designed for students who are ...

English First Peoples 11

This course builds on and extends previous learning experiences in English Language Arts courses. It is designed for all students ...

English First Peoples 12

English First Peoples 12 builds upon and extends students’ previous learning experiences in ELA and EFP 10 and 11 courses ...

English Language Arts 9

In this course, students will explore big ideas while developing their communication skills in a range of forms from short ...

English Language Arts: Composition 11

Composition is “the act of creating written works”. So, it makes sense that this course will focus on the written ...

English Language Arts: Creative Writing 11

Creative Writing 11 is designed for students who are interested in developing confidence and refining their writing skills through self-expression ...

English Language Arts: Literary Studies 11

Literary Studies 11 continues to assist students in developing skills in reading and responding, critical and creative thinking, written and ...

English Language Arts: New Media 11

New Media 11 recognizes that digital literacy is an essential characteristic of the educated citizen. The course is designed to ...

English Studies 12

This course builds on and extends previous learning experiences in English Language Arts courses. It is designed for all students ...

Entrepreneurship 12

Entrepreneurship 12 has no pre-requisite. You will set up a business plan to present to hypothetical potential investors. From the ...

Explorations in Social Studies 11

In Explorations in Social Studies 11 students will build a strong foundation across many skill sets, engage in inquiry and ...

Fashion and Interior Design 11

Do you have a flair for fashion? Are you constantly redecorating your room? If so, the design industry might just ...

Fine Arts 7

“The Arts Education curriculum strives to encourage students’ artful habits of mind through engaged arts learning. The curriculum includes a ...

Food Studies 11

In this course, students will be cooking, watching instructional videos from a professional cooking school, taking online quizzes from those ...

Food Studies 12

In this course, students will be cooking, watching instructional videos from a professional cooking school, taking online quizzes from those ...

Forensic Science 11: One

Forensic Science I: Secrets of the Dead This course cannot be used toward Adult Graduation Credits Fingerprints. Blood spatter. DNA ...

Forensic Science 11: Two

Forensic Science 11: Two - More Secrets of the Dead This course cannot be used toward Adult Graduation Credits. Although ...

Foundations Of Math & Pre-Calculus 10

NO TEXTBOOK REQUIRED. Course is presented in a series of video lessons, with students completing practice questions. Topics to be ...

Foundations of Math 11

This pathway is designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for post-secondary studies, in programs ...

Foundations of Math 12

Foundations of Math 12 centers around the big ideas of probabilistic thinking, data modelling, financial decisions, and geometric explorations. The ...

Francais langue seconde-immersion 12

This course is for students who have knowledge of French such as students who have attended French Immersion (from kindergarten ...

French 10

This class offers a variety of tasks focusing on French language development. There are several units, covering many aspects of ...

French 11

French 11 is a prerequisite for entrance into certain B.C. Universities and colleges. Français 11 is a continuation of learning ...

French 12

Français 12 is a continuation of learning you have done in French 11. Students will be exploring communication, acquiring information, ...

French 8

The Core French curriculum endorses, what is commonly referred to as, the communicative experiential approach. In this approach, the focus ...

French 9

The Core French curriculum endorses, what is commonly referred to as, the communicative experiential approach. In this approach, the focus ...

Honouring Cultures, Communities, and Individuals 8

This course is an exploration of community and student identity. The BC Ministry of Education has established core competencies that ...

Humanities 8

Humanities 8 incorporates the topics of Social Studies 8- which discusses the 7th Century to 1750-with the communications skills of ...

Independent Directed Studies 10, 11, 12 (IDS)

Combine your passion with your talent to earn up to four-course credits in Independent Directed Studies! There are two scenarios ...

Instrumental Music: Guitar 10

In this course, students gain the skills and knowledge to help develop their guitar "toolbox." This is the ultimate beginners' ...

Instrumental Music: Guitar 11

In Guitar 11, learners will gain an even broader understanding of music and the guitar's place in music history. Learners ...

Instrumental Music: Guitar 12

In Guitar 12, learners will learn the more intricate workings of music, such as how to develop themselves as artists ...

Instrumental Music: Piano 10

This course, enhanced with video and graphic supports, is an ideal introductory course for beginner piano players. Learners will become ...

Instrumental Music: Piano 11

In Piano 11, learners will continue their study of music and the piano. Learners start to build an intermediate understanding ...

Instrumental Music: Piano 12

Piano 12 offers learners a more developed piano and music experience. Advanced scales, chords and rhythms are discussed as well ...

Interpersonal & Family Relationships 11

The overall goal of Interpersonal and Family Relationships is to provide students with a broad overview of how relationships form ...

Introductory Mandarin 11

This introductory language course is intended for students who no previous knowledge of Mandarin. The course will explore communication, acquiring ...

Introductory Spanish 11

Introductory Spanish 11 is a course specifically designed for students that have no previous knowledge of Spanish. The basic tools ...

Language Arts 7

“English Language Arts is a foundational curriculum that equips students with the language and literacy skills they will need for ...

Law Studies 12

Law Studies 12 introduces the student to the legal rights and responsibilities, which allow citizens to participate more fully in ...

Life Sciences 11

Life Sciences 11 introduces students to living things and to the taxonomic system.  You will learn about how scientists classify ...

Literary Studies 12

Note: Although this is a Grade 12 4-credit course and counts toward graduation, students will still need to take either ...

Mandarin 10

This language course is intended for students who have a prerequisite of Mandarin 9 or equivalent. The course will explore ...

Mandarin 11

This language course is intended for students who have a prerequisite of Mandarin 10 or equivalent. The course will explore ...

Mandarin 12

This language course is intended for students who have a prerequisite of Mandarin 11 or equivalent. The course will explore ...

Math 7

Students develop an appreciation and understanding for new symbols and formulas in their quest to learn math at a higher ...

Math 8

Students develop an appreciation and understanding for new symbols and formulas in their quest to learn math at a higher ...

Math 9

Mathematics is integral to every aspect of daily life. Skills can be used to solve problems related to time, sports, ...

Media Arts 10

Do you love exploring and creating digital artwork? Are you interested in developing and refining your skills as an artist? ...

Media Arts 11

Do you have a passion for digital animation and illustration? Students will refine and extend their illustration skills while focused ...

Media Arts 12

Do you love to create characters, in 2D or 3D? In this course, students will refine and expand their illustration ...

Philosophy 12

Philosophy 12 is an academic course that prepares students for academic post-secondary studies. Students will complete five units on various ...

Photography 11

This course cannot be used toward Adult Graduation Credits This course focuses on the basics of photography. Students will learn ...

Photography 12

Photography 12 is an engaging and comprehensive course aligned with the British Columbia curriculum, designed to foster advanced skills and ...

Physical and Health Education 10

Physical and Health Education 10 is divided into four units: Physical Literacy Healthy Living Social and Community Health Mental Well ...

Physical and Health Education 7

Physical and Health Education (PHE) is designed to develop educated students who have the knowledge, skills, and understandings to be ...

Physical and Health Education 8

PE and Health 8 Physical and Health Education (PHE) is designed to develop educated students who have the knowledge, skills, ...

Physical and Health Education 9

Physical and Health Education (PHE) is designed to develop educated students who have the knowledge, skills, and understandings to be ...

Physical Geography 12

Physical Geography 12 is a comprehensive course, which examines the world around us from both a regional and global perspective ...

Physics 11

Physics 11 explores the world of motion and energy.  It is designed to build students’ knowledge of core physics concepts.  ...

Physics 12

Physics 12 explores the world of motion and fields. It is designed to build on the knowledge the student gained ...

Pre-Calculus 11

Students will learn and develop mathematical skills that are foundational for use in pre-calculus and calculus thereafter. Pre-Calculus 11 focuses ...

Pre-Calculus 12

Pre-Calculus 12 centers around the big ideas of inverses, functions, and transformations. The course instruction is offered through StudyForge lesson ...

Psychology 11

This course cannot be used toward Adult Graduation Credits Have you ever wondered…..why people have different personalities; what intelligence is ...

Psychology 12

This course cannot be used toward Adult Graduation Credits Psychology 12 can be taken on its own or as a ...

Science 10

Science 10 introduces main topics from Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Science. This will form the basis for further studies ...

Science 7

The goal of the Grade 7 Science program is to enable students to appreciate the scientific frame of mind – ...

Science 8

The goal of Science 8 is to provide all students the opportunity to explore the grade specific big ideas in ...

Science 9

The goal of Science 9 is to provide all students the opportunity to explore the grade specific big ideas in ...

Science For Citizens 11

Science for Citizens 11 prepares students for science in the work place and focuses on real-world, practical applications of science ...

Social Justice 12

Social Justice 12 is a current events course. While we use historical contexts to teach concepts, and show social changes ...

Social Studies 10

Social Studies 10 involves an exploration of Canada and the World, from 1919 to the present, focusing on four Big ...

Social Studies 7

“Through their study of historical events, students will gain an understanding of the people, places, issues, and events that have ...

Social Studies 9

In this course, students will explore economic, political, environmental, and social big ideas that changed the world in in 1750-1914 ...

Spanish 11

This class is a continuation of Introduction to Spanish 11. It deepens the knowledge of the Spanish language and culture ...

Spanish 8

The Core Spanish curriculum endorses, what is commonly referred to as, the communicative experiential approach. In this approach, the focus ...

Spanish 9

The Core Spanish curriculum endorses, what is commonly referred to as, the communicative experiential approach. In this approach, the focus ...

Specialized Science 12: Astronomy

Specialized Science 12 - Astronomy explores the universe. It covers topics you hear about in the news, including our solar ...

Studio Arts 2D 11

Studio Arts 2D 11 is an intermediate-level course designed to further develop learners' skills and understanding in two-dimensional visual arts ...

Veterinary Science 11

This course cannot be used toward Adult Graduation Credits This course will examine some of the common diseases and treatments ...

Visual Arts 9

This is an exploratory art course. Students work on projects in a range of different mediums and artforms. their projects ...

Workplace Mathematics 10

Workplace Mathematics 10 prepares students for math in the work place and focuses on real-world applications of mathematics. The course ...

Workplace Mathematics 11

NO TEXTBOOK REQUIRED. This is a self-paced course delivered via animated video series. This course is a part of the ...
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