Answers to most frequently asked questions about Grades K-12 online learning with EBUS.
General Questions
Q: Is EBUS a public school?
A: EBUS Academy is a public school, offering an excellent education to BC students.
Q: How do I find my course in Moodle?
A: You will be able to access your course(s), once you have been sent your Moodle username and password. Login to and click on the course name.
Q: How often will I need to submit work?
A: Work should be submitted at least monthly, but every week or two is preferred. In grades K-6, a minimum of 4-6 quality learning submissions every two weeks are required.
Work does not need to be submitted in all subjects all the time, but a piece or two of work submitted every week will maintain great communication with the teacher and give reassurance that work is being done on a consistent basis.
Q: How much time will my child spend on the computer?
A: The amount of time a student actually spends on the computer is completely dependent upon their learning style/needs. Typically, older students will spend more time online and younger students less. EBUS has many opportunities for both parents and students to be online through our learning platform, Moodle, as well as through interactive virtual classes (V-classes) with teachers and fellow students.
Q: Does EBUS Academy have report cards?
A: Yes, all students receive report cards. In grades 10-12, secondary teachers complete report cards for four reporting terms: November, January, March and June.
In grades 7-9, middle years program teachers report on student progress over the same four reporting terms (November, January, March and June) through a combination of report cards and conferences.
In grades K-6, teachers report on student progress through a combination of interim reports at six points-of-progress throughout the year using four reporting formats: numeracy/literacy snapshots, parent-teacher conferences, a mid-year report and an end-of-year summative report card.
Q: How can I use my funding?
A: Please refer to the Learning Support Funds (LSF) page.
Q: How to I get a student ID card?
A: If you are a full-time EBUS student that would like a student ID card, consult with you academic advisor on how to proceed. You will need a picture of yourself in order to have a card made. In the picture, the background should be plain, and you should have you should be looking straight at the camera.
Please request your card here:
Grade K-9 Questions
Q: How often do I need to contact my child’s teacher?
A: There’s no set time frame for this, but weekly contact is the goal. Contact can be made either by email, phone, or Moodle messaging. Even just replying to an email or sending a quick update can be a great way to stay in contact!
Q: Where do I find teaching resources and ideas?
A: EBUS uses an online program called Moodle – it’s like our online schoolhouse! Moodle is a secure, password protected site which is available for all students and parents. In our Elementary program, each teacher maintains a homeroom in Moodle for news item, resources, and drop-boxes for submission of student work. Additionally, each grade has a “Classroom” within Moodle, with subject/unit guides and related resources, links, and activities. In our Middle Years program, students complete coursework in their Moodle courses for core subject areas. Middle Years courses in grades 7-9 provide instruction, assignments and assessments in a way that promotes flexibility and engagement.
Q: What kinds of resources does EBUS provide?
A: EBUS provides a combination of print and online resources. Elementary families access a “Classroom” within Moodle with subject/unit guides and related resources, links, and activities provided. We also loan out textbooks for a few subjects, as well as provide links to many online educational subscription sites which families can use for free. All full time students have access to our growing online library where students can check out e-books and audiobooks for free.
Q: Do I have flexibility regarding topic choices?
A: EBUS allows for flexibility with regards to the specific topics a student will complete during their school year. While we do follow the provincial curriculum, we acknowledge that families come to us with unique learning styles and situations, so are very willing to work with our families to decide upon the specific learning path that will suit them best.
Q: Will all of my children have the same teacher?
A: EBUS Elementary teachers work with either a Primary (Gr. K-3) or Intermediate (Gr. 4-6) class list. If your children are Primary, for example, then they would have the same teacher. If one is Gr. 2 and one Gr. 6, then they may each have a different teacher. Students in our Middle Years program (Gr. 7-9) are under the guidance of a small team of supportive and dedicated teachers.
Q: What if my child is not performing at grade level?
A: The teacher will work with families and students at all levels, helping to determine areas of weakness and strength as well as specific learning needs. Students will be placed in their age appropriate grade, but may work on a variety of levels within that grade and within the various subjects.
Grade 10-12 Questions
Q: Can I complete my online course in two weeks/one month/two months?
A: No. We do not guarantee expedited (less than two months) course completion.
Students may be capable of working through material quickly, but the following factors make completing courses in short time-frame unrealistic.
• The process of teacher feedback and student reflection takes time;
• Teachers have many students working in courses; as such, the marking volume varies throughout the year. It takes time to properly assess and provide feedback for students;
• Many online courses require two invigilated exams. To organize and study for an exam, students require the time to process feedback from their teachers, time to study, and time to organize an exam. The exam booking process takes a minimum of one week.