Learning Support Funds (LSF)
EBUS Academy is required to pay a third party resource or service provider directly, and may not pay parents or students.
Allocation of funding to third parties is to be made based on the student learning plan created by the parent, teacher and where appropriate the student. In order to meet the BC Ministry prescribed curriculum requirements, the teacher will identify the services and resources the school and family are able to provide, as well as those services and resources which may require support by way of a third party. If it is determined that third party resources and services are required, an amount up to $600 may be allocated as specified in the student learning plan. This allotment is not an entitlement.
Please note: Cross Enrolled students are not eligible for Learning Support Funding
General Expectations for Use of Learning Support Funds
With the co-development of the student learning plan, parents, students, teachers, and administrators work together to determine the best approach to meeting the required learning outcomes.
Third party services are ideal in assisting students meet curricular outcomes in non-core areas such as Fine Arts, Physical Education, and Applied Skills. The DL model of educational program delivery is supported in very practical and hands-on ways through instruction such as lessons in music, dance, horse-back riding, judo, skiing, woodworking, welding, etc. The 3rd party service and resource allocation is intended for ongoing instructional components that cannot be delivered easily by the DL school; it is not intended to subsidize equipment such as saddles, weight sets, skis, hockey equipment, etc.
Similarly, the Ministry considers a membership in an astronomers club to be appropriate rather than providing funds to purchase a telescope, a membership in a photography club or lessons rather than the purchase of camera equipment and accessories, etc.
DL schools are not authorized to make payments to learners or their parents/guardians. This means that DL schools are not permitted to:
- contract/employ parents in capacity of tutors, Education Assistants, Teacher Assistants, Special Education Assistants, etc. for services to their own children.
- provide payments to parents’ or students’ personal credit card companies. Credit card companies are not considered 3rd party service/resource providers.
- provide special or additional allocations for parents or families or groups of families who are taking certain responsibilities for the educational program or participating in particular school-based programs.
EBUS Academy does not cover the cost of uniforms or insurance associated with lessons; parents are responsible for covering these costs.
We are a public school and as such, must separate church and state. Parents are welcome to purchase services and resources from non-secular vendors, as long as the purchases are secular in content.
Consumable Supplies
Basic consumable school supplies, such as paper, writing tools, student planners, binders, computer storage media (USB flash drives), etc., are considered to be personal expenses paid for by students or parents and may not be charged against the resource allocation.
❱ Grades K-9 Learning Support Funds
Grades K-9 Learning Support Funds
Full time EBUS Academy students, in grades K-9 who have a current learning plan in place, and who are actively engaged in curriculum may access up to $600 in Learning Support Funds.
All use of learning support funds must be pre-approved by a classroom/course teacher and support the student’s current learning plan.
EBUS Academy is required to pay a third party resource or service provider directly, and may not pay or reimburse parents or students.
Students can utilize learning support funds towards lessons that support their broader learning goals and skill development. For example, lessons in music, dance, drama, sports, martial arts, art, woodworking, first aid, programming, etc., are ways students could access funding so long as ebus.can pay the service provider directly.
How Much Learning Support Funds is a Student Eligible to Receive?
At EBUS, new and returning students, who are actively engaged in their programs, may be allotted up to $600 in LSF.
How Do Students Access Learning Support Funds?
Lessons and/or Service Providers (aka vendors) are required to submit, by email or fax, a completed EBUS Vendor Form the first time they submit an invoice for payment. We do not need additional copies unless the vendor has moved, or changed their email or banking information.
All purchases must be pre-approved by a teacher or academic advisor and support the student’s current learning plan.
Your online teacher (OTL) or academic advisor will provide a blank Student Lesson Form for those vendors who do not have an invoice form of their own.
❱ Grades 10-12 Learning Support Funds
Grades 10-12 Learning Support Funds
Students, whose school of record is EBUS Academy, and who are registered for at least 4 courses, may access up to $600 in Learning Support Funds.
EBUS Academy is required to pay a third party resource or service provider directly, and may not pay or reimburse parents or students. All use of learning support funds must be pre-approved by the EBUS Sr. Academic Advisor.
Students can utilize learning support funds towards lessons that support their broader learning goals and skill development. For example, lessons in music, dance, drama, sports, martial arts, woodworking, first aid, programming, etc., are ways students could access funding so long as ebus.can pay the service provider directly.
On their own, lessons do not qualify for course credit. Students are encouraged to consider how lessons might support an Independent Directed Study, or other EBUS electives. New Course Offerings
How Much Learning Support Funds is a Student Eligible to Receive?
Based on the student learning plan which will be co-created with the EBUS Academic Advisor, full-time EBUS students may be eligible for up to $600 for lessons.
The total amount of funds available to a student in a given school year, July – June, is determined by the number of courses where the student completes the first unit or approximately 10% of the assignments. Each active course makes $125 of learning support funds available.
In September once the academic advisor has scheduled the student for at least 4 courses in the current year and the student demonstrates that they are active in 2 courses they will have access to $300.00 in Learning Support Funds for the first semester. Additional learning support funds will become available as the student activates additional courses.
How Do Students Access Learning Support Funds?
Students will submit this online form requesting permission to access a third party service provider for lessons, services or resources. The EBUS Academic Advisor will approve or deny the request, and notify the student by email. With approval, students can then access the third party provider, who will invoice EBUS directly. (Approved Vendors can use the Student Lesson Form or their own invoices, providing that all necessary information is available.)
Lesson and/or Service Providers (aka vendors) are required to submit, by email or fax, a completed EBUS Vendor Form, the first time they submit an invoice for payment. We do not need additional copies, unless the vendor has moved, or changed their email or banking information.