See Registration Dates + Status page for information about registration dates.
What to consider before committing to Summer @ EBUS
- Students requesting more than 1 summer course may require approval from their school counselor or administrator.
- Course Timeline: Courses begin with limited assignments from May to mid-June. Full access to courses provided during the last week in June. Summer session courses require completion before September 1st.
- We recommend students schedule a regular time M-F to work on each course.
- July 15 – inactive will be withdrawn and those less than 10% complete may be withdrawn.
- August 4 – students less than 50% complete may be withdrawn or required to submit a detailed plan / schedule for course completion.
- Teacher approved extensions will not be granted beyond September 30th. After September 30th, all students will be completed out with a final grade, if the essential learning outcomes for the course have been attempted. Alternatively, they may be withdrawn.
We are a BC Public School. All of our courses satisfy the requirements for the 2024 Graduation Program.
Summer Registrations & Access Details
New + Cross Enrolled Students
To register please complete the Summer@EBUS registration form and submit the required documentation.
Within 2-3 days of registering, students will be enrolled in their course. Once enrolled, students are required to complete start-up activities outlined in the Summer Session Instructions. This work is required to secure a seat in the summer session. Failure to complete the work entitled in the courses as “Summer Session Instructions”, may result in the loss of your summer seat.
Courses fill up quickly so students are encouraged to complete the start-up work as soon as possible to confirm their seat in the course.
Students who have secured their seats, by completing the above registration requirements, will be given full access to their summer course the last week of June, however, there will be no formal teacher support until the official summer start-up date of July 4.
Current Students
If you are currently a full-time EBUS Student in grade 9, please email Chris Mushumanski to sign up for a course.
If you are currently a full-time EBUS Student in grades 10-12 you can add the course on your dashboard.
Enrollment Checklist
Items necessary to secure a seat in a summer course at EBUS.
- Registration/Enrollment Form
- Copy of Student Identification – Student Passport, Birth certificate, Driver’s License, Canadian Citizenship, Landed Immigrant Documentation).
- Proof of BC Residency (student is 19 yrs or older)
- Proof of the Parent/Guardian’s BC Residency (students under 19 yrs)
Proof of BC Residency documents
- BC CareCard / BC Services Card / BC Identification Card
- BC Driver’s License or Enhanced BC Driver’s License
- Long-term tenancy agreement – showing name and address
- Property purchase agreement – showing name and address
- A current income tax return filed as a BC resident
Or any two of the following documents
- Property tax statement – showing name and address
- Proof of employment for a minimum of 20 hours per week (e.g. pay stub, letter from the employer)
- Utility bill – showing name and address
- BC vehicle registration- showing name and address
- Canadian bank account statement – showing name and address
All data collected through the EBUS enrollment form meets British Columbia’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) requirements for data storage. The registration information is stored on a secure school district server with SSL encryption, located in Vanderhoof, B.C.
Enrollment Support
If you have any questions about your enrollment, please contact the help desk.