Grade 10 Courses

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Please click course names below to review their full description, course outline, and assignments.

Art Studio 10 (Visual Arts)

This Visual Arts Studio course is designed to engage students in a dynamic exploration of artistic expression, encouraging them to delve into the transformative power of materials and the intricate interplay between intention, tradition, and contemporary perspectives. Students will navigate ...

Career Life Education 10

Career Life Education (replacing BC Planning 10) is an important and useful course that teaches practical life skills and is a required course for all students in BC. Career Life Education emphasizes the practical nature of the course, giving students ...

English 10: Composition and Creative Writing

This course combines the ELA Composition and Creative Writing curriculums to offer students a way to get all four credits in one course. Students will complete a discrete Composition unit where they choose a form of writing to focus on ...

English 10: Composition and Focused Literary Studies

This course combines the ELA Composition and Focused Literary Studies curriculums to offer students a way to get all four credits in one course. Students will complete a Composition unit where they will write a short story.  Beyond that they ...

English 10: Composition and Focused Literary Studies-Science Fiction

This course combines the ELA Composition and Focused Literary Studies curriculums to offer students a way to get all four credits in one course. Students will complete a discrete Composition unit where they choose a form of writing to focus ...

English 10: Composition and New Media

This course combines the ELA Composition and New Media curriculums to offer students a way to get all four credits in one course. Students will gain personal experience with various forms of digital media including text, audio, video, web, and ...

English 10: Composition and Spoken Language

This course combines the ELA Composition and Spoken Language curriculums to offer students a way to get all four credits in one course. Students will complete a discrete Composition unit where they get to choose a form of writing to ...

English First Peoples 10

EFP 10 is a combination of Literary Studies and Writing EFP Literary Studies 10 is designed for students who are interested in exploring First Peoples literature in a variety of contexts, genres, and media. This area of choice provides students ...

Foundations Of Math & Pre-Calculus 10

NO TEXTBOOK REQUIRED. Course is presented in a series of video lessons, with students completing practice questions. Topics to be covered include powers and exponent laws, prime factorization, multiplying and dividing polynomial expressions, trigonometry, linear relations and functions, graphing, function ...

French 10

This class offers a variety of tasks focusing on French language development. There are several units, covering many aspects of the French language and culture. The work includes watching clips, listening to audio files, producing audio files, and reading and ...

Independent Directed Studies 10, 11, 12 (IDS)

Combine your passion with your talent to earn up to four-course credits in Independent Directed Studies! There are two scenarios for an IDS course. Firstly, students are often already involved with clubs and lessons in their locale. This option allows ...

Instrumental Music: Guitar 10

In this course, students gain the skills and knowledge to help develop their guitar "toolbox." This is the ultimate beginners' course covering everything from how to play, guitar maintenance, a history of the instrument and the nuances of music theory ...

Instrumental Music: Piano 10

This course, enhanced with video and graphic supports, is an ideal introductory course for beginner piano players. Learners will become familiar with the instrument. Musical elements, principles, vocabulary and theory are presented throughout the course. Students are encouraged to develop ...

Mandarin 10

This language course is intended for students who have a prerequisite of Mandarin 9 or equivalent. The course will explore communication, acquiring information, experiencing creative works, and understanding cultural influences. It will also build upon previously acquired knowledge and skills ...

Media Arts 10

Do you love exploring and creating digital artwork? Are you interested in developing and refining your skills as an artist? Students will learn about and apply the steps required to take an idea, and see it through to completion. Also, ...

Physical and Health Education 10

Physical and Health Education 10 is divided into four units: Physical Literacy Healthy Living Social and Community Health Mental Well Being For each unit, there is also a corresponding 20 hours of activity that needs to be tracked and logged, ...

Science 10

Science 10 introduces main topics from Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Science. This will form the basis for further studies in future grades and provide students with knowledge to find areas of interest. This course has four main units of ...

Social Studies 10

Social Studies 10 involves an exploration of Canada and the World, from 1919 to the present, focusing on four Big Ideas. Global and regional conflicts have been a powerful force in shaping our contemporary world and identities. The development of ...

Workplace Mathematics 10

Workplace Mathematics 10 prepares students for math in the work place and focuses on real-world applications of mathematics. The course focuses on helping students build skills around four main ideas: proportional reasoning; measurement of 3-dimensional objects; number sense and flexibility ...

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