Grade 7 Courses

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Please click course names below to review their full description, course outline, and assignments.

2nd Language 7

The Second Languages 7 course allows for students to choose between 3 languages: French, Spanish and Japanese. Through the use of the website Mango Languages and Moodle course assignments, we advocate the communicative experiential approach. Focusing the language learning on ...

Applied Design Skills and Technologies 7

Students are given the opportunity to develop the skills for design thinking and a maker mindset through the exploration of 3 areas of study: Software Design, Engineering Design, and Clothing design ...

Arts Education 7

Throughout the study of Arts Education 7, students seek, construct, express, and evaluate knowledge through self-propelled exploration of some or all four disciplines -- dance, drama, music, and visual arts activities, including interdisciplinary studies ...

Career Education 7

“A person’s career is considered their “journey” through life, and the Career Education curriculum offers students the opportunity to pursue this journey in personally meaningful and goal-oriented ways. Career-life development with intent is the ongoing process of self-discovery, growth in ...

Fine Arts 7

“The Arts Education curriculum strives to encourage students’ artful habits of mind through engaged arts learning. The curriculum includes a general arts program, as well as four core discipline-specific programs – dance, drama, music, and visual arts – that capture ...

Language Arts 7

“English Language Arts is a foundational curriculum that equips students with the language and literacy skills they will need for success in school, community, career, and life. It provides students with the opportunity to become effective communicators, to develop and ...

Math 7

Students develop an appreciation and understanding for new symbols and formulas in their quest to learn math at a higher level. Students are guided in their learning through Vclass videos,, sample questions, assignments, and tests. Students learn to think critically ...

Physical and Health Education 7

Physical and Health Education (PHE) is designed to develop educated students who have the knowledge, skills, and understandings to be safe, active, and healthy citizens throughout their lives. The PHE curriculum emerges from two areas of learning, physical education and ...

Science 7

The goal of the Grade 7 Science program is to enable students to appreciate the scientific frame of mind – what it means to be a scientist and to actually do science. The broad questions are: 1) How does a ...

Social Studies 7

“Through their study of historical events, students will gain an understanding of the people, places, issues, and events that have shaped the world they live in... Social Studies provides students with an understanding of their place in the world and ...

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