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Social Justice 12 is a current events course.

While we use historical contexts to teach concepts, and show social changes over time, learners will focus on current events in projects and in a learning community on-line.

The issues we explore are political as that is where policy happens; policy is what creates day-to-day systemic issues that are ever present and in the news. This course is about the community you live in now, and the one you can change with activism and your vote.

Social Studies 10 involves an exploration of Canada and the World, from 1919 to the present, focusing on four Big Ideas.

  1. Global and regional conflicts have been a powerful force in shaping our contemporary world and identities.
  2. The development of political institutions is influenced by economic, social, ideological, and geographic factors.
  3. Worldviews lead to different perspectives and ideas about developments in Canadian society.
  4. Historical and contemporary injustices challenge the narrative and identity of Canada as an inclusive, multicultural society.

“Through their study of historical events, students will gain an understanding of the people, places, issues, and events that have shaped the world they live in… Social Studies provides students with an understanding of their place in the world and the connections between the human and natural environment.”




In this course, students will explore economic, political, environmental, and social big ideas that changed the world in in 1750-1914. Students will develop their historical thinking skills through the completion of a variety of assignments and projects.

The curriculum guide for this course can be viewed by clicking on the link: Social Studies 9

This class is a continuation of Introduction to Spanish 11. It deepens the knowledge of the Spanish language and culture through the use of video clips, dialogues, written exercises and the use of built in text book pages.

Assignments are submitted through online activities. Main topics covered are; present and past tense, likes and dislikes, orders, prepositions of location, directions and common communicative phrases related to daily activities. There is a required culture project. There is no midterm or final exam.

The Core Spanish curriculum endorses, what is commonly referred to as, the communicative experiential approach.

In this approach, the focus of instruction is the purposeful use of the language to perform real-life tasks, share ideas, acquire information, and get things done. Grammar instruction plays a supportive role – to provide useful strategies to facilitate communication and comprehension.

In this course, students develop the skills of reading, writing, listening, speaking, and interacting.  They also learn about the important role grammar and culture play in gaining a deeper understanding of language.

The Core Spanish curriculum endorses, what is commonly referred to as, the communicative experiential approach.

In this approach, the focus of instruction is the purposeful use of the language to perform real-life tasks, share ideas, acquire information, and get things done. Grammar instruction plays a supportive role – to provide useful strategies to facilitate communication and comprehension.

In this course, students develop the skills of reading, writing, listening, speaking, and interacting.  They also learn about the important role grammar and culture play in gaining a deeper understanding of language.

Specialized Science 12 – Astronomy explores the universe.

It covers topics you hear about in the news, including our solar system and exoplanets, the Sun and neutrinos, stars and stellar evolution, black holes and gravity waves, galaxies and dark matter, The Big Bang and the structure of the universe, and space exploration.

The course focuses on four big ideas:

  • Astronomy seeks to explain the origins of the universe and interactions of celestial bodies (Earth Science)
  • An object’s motion can be predicted, analyzed and described (physics 11)
  • Forces interact within fields and cause linear and circular motion (physics 12)
  • Elements and compounds have specific properties (chemistry 11)

Astronomy is designed with a number of hands-on labs and projects to help students connect with the distant universe. Many models are also used to allow students to understand space through everyday life connections.

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