December, already?! Some times that calendar flies by doesn’t it. I hope you are all finding positives in your day, smiles on the faces you see and reasons to be grateful.
As we head into the last 2 weeks of this month before Winter Break, I recommend you watch for announcements from your teachers. EBUS will be closed from the end of the day Dec 20 and will reopen Monday Jan 6 2025. During this time, courses are open, but there are no teachers scheduled to work, set up tests, mark assignments or answer questions. If you are looking at setting up a test or needing your teacher’s input or guidance for something over the Break, we recommend reaching out to them before Dec 16. After a holiday like this, teachers come back to a higher than normal email and marking load; we appreciate your patience as we try and catch up as quickly as possible after the break. In the new year, we will have information on EBUS scholarships for students who meet all graduation requirements by June 2025. While many students may be looking to this time to catch up or get ahead in their studies, I do encourage you all to take some meaningful downtime. All work and no play makes an EBUSer less than top notch 😊
Students graduating under the 2023 graduation program will need to complete a total of 3 assessments to meet graduation requirements; Literacy 10, Numeracy and Literacy 12. These assessments must be written in person under the supervision of a teacher and are written in high schools across BC. EBUS will help our full-time students find a seat in a local high school for the January and June sessions.
Students need to complete these only one time to satisfy this graduation requirement.
For students looking to write in the January session, EBUS can help you find a school close by for you to write in. You can register for that HERE between November 1 and December 16. Registrations received after the 16th will be accepted but we cannot guarantee to find a seat.
You can get all the details at
For students looking at post-secondary education, UBC requires students applying there must score a 3 or better on the Literacy 12 assessment, with no requirements for the Literacy 10 or Numeracy. Currently other colleges and universities have not indicated the Literacy 12 result will be used as part of their admissions requirements, and students are responsible to research their future college or university to ensure you meet all admissions requirements. It is recommended grade 12s write their assessments in January as June assessment results are not released by the ministry until late July each year.
For the required graduation numeracy and literacy assessments, all BC students will need government issue photo ID. If you need a school ID card please send a current colour photo to well in advance of your assessment date.
The next session EBUS will organize is for June 2025, and registration for this session will open in April.
For the month of December, the focus is on relationships. Humans are biologically hard wired for connection, meaning that is a basic requirement we all have, we must be in meaningful, safe relationships. What relationships are important to you? How are you investing in them regularly? How can you improve?
Lots of new things to being a full time online student. And often you only realize the questions you have after you’ve been in the learning trenches for a bit to then see the things you don’t know.
Sooo…what about effective online learning practices?
EBUS has worked with families online since 1993, and over those years we do see some common threads among students who are successful, because online is quite different than a brick and mortar education.
Motivation is a huge element to success for all students, but online looks different. Everyone has internal and external motivators that are unique to them, and with online learning, students and families have the opportunity to see what works more closely. What motivates you or your learner? How is that being provided in the online setting? What are ways this can be strengthened? How does the student feel rewarded for the progress made? What are the celebrations of learning that can happen?
Another huge piece is structure, in the form of a schedule and dedicated workplace. High school students should be aiming for at least 25 hours of learning time each week. If it helps, write down the blocks of time of when you will be doing your course work and make sure it adds up to this amount. Create check in dates where you plan to be ___% through your course and assess these. A dedicated place for school work that is distraction free and supportive of learning is also important.
And as always, any plan needs to be checked and reassessed. When is the last time the questions like were asked: “what did you learn in your studies today? What does that mean? What was the most interesting, surprising or energizing thing you learned today?” Regular engagement is important for everyone.
- Dec 12 school assembly – link on student dashboards
- Dec 15 report cards available on student dashboards and parent portal
- Dec 16 deadline to register for the January assessment session HERE
- Dec 21-Jan 5 EBUS closed for Winter Break – teachers unavailable but courses open
- January 6 2025 EBUS opens
- January 9 school assembly
- January 13-24 grad assessment session
- January 15 date for students to aim to finish semester 1 courses and email request semester two courses
- February 7 Pro D – teachers unavailable, courses open
- February 10 – deadline to request semester two courses
- February 17 Family day – EBUS closed, courses open
- March 1 work submission deadline
- March 15 report cards published
- March 22 to April 6 Spring Break – EBUS closed, courses open
- April 18-21 Easter EBUS closed, courses open
- April 25 Pro D – teachers unavailable, courses open
- May 9 Pro D – teachers unavailable, courses open
- May 19 Victoria Day – EBUS closed, courses open
- May 24 Kamloops in person grad
- June 2-13 grad assessment session
- June 7 Vancouver in person grad
- June 13 work submission deadline
- June 27 report cards published
- June 27 EBUS closed for the school year, reopening September 2
- Note that Term end dates are guidelines for students to finish courses, if you do not finish by the November or January term end date you can continue with your studies without penalty. New courses are not automatically added at the Term change, students must request them as they finish current courses.
You can find the full year school calendar at
Parents, you can access your student’s progress and report cards on the EBUS parent portal: We recommend parents log in with their student at least once a week to stay actively engaged in their learning and progress. Students, you can access your report cards from your dashboard, look for the A+ icon in the upper right-hand corner. Report cards are published 3 times a year; December, March, June and for summer session courses only, September.
As I get asked this often, if your student plans to finish their course(s) in a quarterly fashion, meaning by the end of term 2 mid January, they should be about 40% complete. For Sept starts with a planned finish by January 19, students should be about 80% complete. And for students working in a linear fashion to complete by the June deadlines, they should be about 45% complete at this time.
For students and families looking to connect with us by phone we are using an online system this year that is well received by our families.
Leal (for students with last names A-L) can be reached at or book a phone appointment HERE
Chris (for students with last names M-Z) can be reached at or book a phone appointment HERE
Keep well, the next newsletter will be Friday December 20 before Winter Break begins.