Grade Level:
Credits: 4
  • 2018 Graduation Program
  • Does NOT count toward Adult Graduation Program


Course Outline:

Career Life Education 10

Career Life Education (replacing BC Planning 10) is an important and useful course that teaches practical life skills and is a required course for all students in BC.  Career Life Education emphasizes the practical nature of the course, giving students an opportunity to learn about the graduation program, job search skills and resume writing, and to produce a resume that can be used for finding a summer or part time job. Students also learn about safe work practices, budgeting for college, university or a personal goal, and creating a “life compass” to help in making healthy decisions. This course is delivered online and students are provided with handy entry windows for responses to questions or “upload” buttons for larger files.

Career Life Education 10 is required for 2004 Graduation Program.

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