- Stacey Levitt Memorial Award
- Clean Energy Scholarship
- The British Columbia School Superintendents’ Association
- BCIT Entrance Awards
- 2016 Janice Lee Blue Wave bursary This bursary is now open for youth who have lived with the experience of mental illness or addictions, and who are going on to higher education in BC. The bursary offers $500-$800 per recipient and involves a simple application form.
- 2016 Overwaitea Diversity Scholarship
- 2016 Union of National Employees BC/YK High School Bursary Poster | Application Form | Criteria
Please note the deadlines for each scholarship may vary.
Here is a quick listing of the scholarship info service websites we’ve recommended to students over the years. These sites provide all kinds of information about how to find scholarships, bursaries, and awards that are relevant to you. They also offer links to info on how to effectively apply for $$, tips on budgeting, discussion forums, etc.
- RE/Max of Western Canada Quest for Excellence
- www.studentawards.com
- www.scholarshipscanada.com
- www.studentscholarships.org
You could certainly subscribe to more than one (All 3..why not?) and then see for yourself which one gives you clear, relevant information.
Council of Forest Industries Scholarship
See the 2016 Convention Scholarship Applicaton and carefully look at the college and university programs that are eligible in the areas of Science, Business and Trades. Application deadline is March 31 2016, but I would recommend running your application past me sooner.