BC First Peoples 12 looks at how the identities, worldviews, and language of BC First Peoples are renewed, sustained, and transformed through their connection to the land.
Students will investigate how the impact of contact and colonialism continues to affect the political, social, and economic lives of BC First Peoples.
Students will study how cultural expressions convey the richness, diversity, and resiliency of BC First Peoples.
Students will gain an understanding of how, through self-governance, leadership, and self-determination, BC First Peoples challenge and resist Canada’s ongoing colonialism.
English First Peoples 12 builds upon and extends students’ previous learning experiences in ELA and EFP 10 and 11 courses.
The course is grounded in the First Peoples Principles of Learning. It is designed for all students, Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal, who are interested in delving deeply into First Peoples’ oral and written literature and visual texts in a range of media.
The course focuses on the experiences, values, beliefs, and lived realities of First Peoples as evidenced in various forms of text, including oral story, poetry, song, performance, film, and prose. A key feature of the course is its focus on authentic First Peoples voices (i.e., historical or contemporary texts created by or with First Peoples).