What is expected of me?
We at EBUS believe that education is a team endeavor.
Elementary students (K-6) are each assigned to a classroom teacher who delivers and assesses curricular aspects of the education plan. In addition, special education students are assigned a case manager who co-ordinates IEP development and progress reporting.
Middle Year students (Grades 7-9) enroll in coursework offered by a core group of teachers who deliver and assess curricular aspects of the education plan. If necessary, this coursework is adapted to meet the needs of diverse students. In addition to coursework teachers and a case manager, special education students are assigned an academic advisor (homeroom teacher).
Students in senior secondary Grades 10-12 choose the courses that best fit their programming needs. In addition to coursework teachers and a case manager, special education students are assigned an academic advisor (homeroom teacher). A student’s learning team collaborates around course selection and specific adaptations/modifications to support student success with the high school exit pathway that works for him/her.
*Please note: If your learner is unable to complete course work that is age-appropriate, consultation with EBUS Special Education staff may result in development of an individualized life skills program.
Team Member | Elementary | Secondary |
Student | Participate in activities developed in the learning plan Participate with necessary communication (telephone and/or technology) | Participate in activities developed in the learning plan Participate with necessary communication (telephone and/or technology) |
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) | Work with EBUS staff and service providers to develop an appropriate learning plan Actively deliver/monitor day-to-day learning and provide feedback on progress relative to curriculum and to IEP goals In conjunction with service providers, identify resources to supplement programming Maintain communication with EBUS staff (teachers and case manager) as well as with service providers to ensure optimal support | Work with EBUS staff and service providers to develop an appropriate learning plan Provide feedback on progress relative to curriculum and to IEP goals Maintain communication with EBUS staff (teachers and case manager) as well as with service providers to ensure optimal support |
Classroom Teacher(s) | Coordinate and deliver curricular programming Assess learner performance relative to curricular outcomes and provide 3 report cards per year Approve spending related to the curriculum (Learning Support Funds) Maintain communication with parent(s)/guardian(s) | Deliver curricular programming Assess learner performance relative to curricular outcomes and provide 3 4 report cards per year Approve spending related to the curriculum (Learning Support Funds) Maintain communication with parent(s)/guardian(s) |
Secondary Academic Advisor | Coordinate academic programming Approve spending related to the curriculum (Learning Support Funds) Maintain communication with parent(s)/guardian(s) | |
Special Education Case Manager | Coordinate IEP development and implementation Collect feedback on student progress relative to IEP goals (continuous) Approve spending related to the IEP Maintain communication with parent(s)/guardian(s) and service providers | Coordinate IEP development and implementation Collect feedback on student progress relative to IEP goals (continuous) Approve spending related to the IEP Maintain communication with parent(s)/guardian(s) and service providers |