We pride ourselves on thinking outside the box to meet each student’s needs.
We offer self-paced learning that encourages and incorporates activities and opportunities outside the scope of the traditional educational experience.
While EBUS may be your choice as the school of record, we encourage learners to access courses of interest through their neighborhood school, community programs or through other DL programs.
Programming may be adapted and/or modified to reflect the goals and aspirations of learners and their families.
Adaptations & Modifications: At-a-Glance
Common Misconceptions
“Johnny can’t read or write; therefore, they should be on a modified program in English Language Arts.”
“Susie has an intellectual disability; therefore, they should be on a modified program.”
“If a student is on a modified program, every subject needs to be modified.”
An educational program with adaptations retains the learning outcomes of the regular program but identifies accommodations that allow the student to participate.
- Can be used for any student at any time
- Are, essentially, “best practice” in teaching
- Can be made in:
- Content
Prescribed Learning Outcomes – number or grade level - Process
Instruction – classroom teacher/SEA, or computers or materials - Product
Representing learning – projects, assignments, or assessment - Environment
Organizational supports, visuals, setting or extra time
Examples of Adaptations
- Use of reader/text reader software
- Use of scribe/voice recognition software
- Oral presentation of learning
- Shortened assignments
- Flexible timelines for course completion
- Use of checklists
- Use of computer with/without spell-checker
- Enlarged print
- Provision of additional time to complete tests
- Separate setting to reduce distractibility
- Use of a calculator
Assessment and Evaluation Procedures
For students receiving adaptations, evaluation is based on the regular standards (i.e., extent to which learning outcomes are attained).
When a student receives adaptations, regular letter grading practices and reporting procedures are followed.
Students with educational programs that include adaptations receive credit toward a Dogwood Diploma.
A modified educational program has learning outcomes that are substantially different from those within provincially prescribed curriculum and specifically selected to meet a learner’s special needs.
- Need only form part of an educational program for a student with special needs.
- May be a short or a long-term solution.
- Provide for the child who is unable to engage with learning outcomes outlined in the curriculum.
Generally occur for students with cognitive disabilities who fall within the lowest 2% of the population. Students may have
- Limited awareness of their surroundings
- Fragile mental/physical health
- Medical/cognitive/or multiple challenges
Examples of Modifications
· Functional literacy skills (e.g., print name, recite address, recognize signs)
· Functional math skills (e.g., money skills, use of calendar, telling time)
· Communication skills (e.g., use of PECS system, use of voice output devices)
· Self-care skills (e.g., brushing teeth, toileting, dressing)
· Life skills (e.g., food preparation, doing laundry, use of public transit system)
· Supported work experience for low incidence students at secondary level
Assessment and Evaluation Procedures
On a modified program, evaluation is based on the degree to which the individualized outcomes are achieved (i.e., as established in the IEP).
Grades K to 9: Programming is adapted rather than modified.
Grades 10 to 12: Programming may be adapted and/or modified. Letter grades are not assigned to students enrolled in modified coursework.
A modified program does not meet the standards required for a Dogwood Diploma, but may lead to an Evergreen Certificate (School Completion).